The Midwestern Plate

Sustainable Agriculture Primer

August 19, 2020 The Midwestern Plate Season 1 Episode 2

Hello and welcome to the midwestern plate podcast! I’m Laura Kinser.

This episode will be a little different as today we will be talking about sustainable agriculture. There is a lot to cover, and for now, we will only be briefly talking about five major farming systems in sustainable ag, with a more in-depth dedicated episode for each system to come later.

I hope you get value out of this episode and let us know if you want us to cover other topics in future shows.
Find us at or on Instagram @themidwesternplate

We also have created a farming directory that is free to use. It is organized in a way to not only find a farmer in your state, but also by any of the farming practices we talk about in this episode. You can find that on our website too under “Directory.”

What is Sustainable Agriculture? 

Sustainable Agriculture is a holistic philosophy and design approach that aims to meet today’s agricultural needs while keeping long term goals in mind for future farmers and consumers. 

Farming Systems in Sustainable Agriculture

  • Organic
  • Regenerative
  • Biodynamics
  • Permaculture
  • Agroforestry
  • Grazing Practices

All of these farming systems aim to enhance environmental qualities by using low-input methods to promote clean air, clean water, and soil building. A wide range of techniques are used and are slightly different from one another, but as mentioned, all of the systems we will talk about fall under Sustainable Agriculture.

It is important to remember that farmers can practice one, multiple, or a combination of the systems listed. Some farmers choose to get certified and therefore must meet specific annual requirements. However, many farms operate above and beyond certification, or in some cases, without, the certification label. One is not necessarily better than the other, rather they are different approaches.

One of the sayings that myself and others always seem preach is KNOW YOUR FARMER. There is not a single answer or a one-size-fits-all model. Each farm is different, and circumstances vary. Each system has pros and cons and there will always be trade-offs.

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